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Frequently Asked Questions
Scouting prepares youth for life and teaches leadership, character, citizenship, and personal fitness.
Learn about the Cub Scouting Program in 3 minutes.
What will my child get out of Scouting?Scouting builds respect for others, character, fitness and leadership. It prepares them for life. Some skills they will pick up along the way include confidence, outdoor skills, first aid, leadership, knife and tool safety, fire safety, cooking, responsibility, respect.
Can my 5th grader join Cub Scouts?Yes, with an asterisk. The Cub Scout program is designed to be completed by school grade level. 5th Graders complete their Arrow of Light (Cub Scouting's highest rank) typically in February or March. If you are interested in joining after this time, it may make sense to simply join a Scouts BSA Troop vs. a Cub Scout Pack.
How do we ensure scout safety?Scouting has the most comprehensive youth protection policies of any youth organization. It is the organization's #1 priority. Learn more about Scouting's Youth Protection Policies here.
What kind of events does Cub Scout Pack 192 organize?Scouting is all about trying new things and new experiences. It’s an amazing adventure for the whole family! Pack 192 shares the best of Scouting by incorporating camping and other outdoor activities. We hold an annual Pinewood Derby race, go on hikes, organize fishing events, and participate in larger Council-run events. We've hosted rocket launches and other fun events that vary from year to year.
Who can join Pack 192?Pack 192 welcomes boys and girls from ages 5 to 10 (Kindergarten through 5th Grade). Older youth can join Scouting units for older youth such as Scouting Troops, Venture Crews, or other units.
Can my Kindergartener join Cub Scouts?Yes! Youth as early as Kindergarten (Lions) can join our Pack. Our program year begins each fall right after school starts. You can participate in some fun events over the summer before if you're really eager to try it out!
When are meetings and activities?Pack Meetings (all grade levels) are typically the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Argyle United Methodist Church. Times and locations for Den Meetings (school grade level) vary by den:
My child is also in another activity that sometimes conflicts with scout meetings and events. can I do both without missing out?Absolutely! Most meeting activities can easily be made up with family outside meetings. Scouting measures success based on activity completion not on attendance. If our regular schedule conflicts with yours, please don't let that prevent you from joining Scouting. There are other Cub Scout Packs in our area that may meet at different times.
What happens after I join?After your application to join is approved, we'll reach out with a welcome email and introduce you to your scout's den leaders. They'll provide you with information on upcoming meetings and orient you to the den and pack.
What do I need to bring to my first meeting?Nothing. Just show up and have fun. Tell us you’re new and we’ll help you feel welcome.
Do I have to register to participate? How do I register?Try us for FREE. When you decide to join, children must register in Scouting. Adults participate for free unless they are registered leaders. The Pack will to pay adult registration dues for volunteers. Register here!
When can I join? Is there a deadline?You can join anytime. There are no registration deadlines. Our program formally begins each fall and completes in May. There will be some fun activities over the summer.
What does Scouting cost?Scouting is competitively priced to fees for other youth organizations and if needed, it finds ways to make the program affordable. Current cost information for our Pack can be found on the national website. The annual fees for 2024 are $97 ($85 for the national organization and $12 for our local scouting Council). It's important to keep costs reasonable for Pack 192 families so we participate in a spring and fall fundraisers to offset event, supply, and other costs.

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