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The Bobcat badge is earned before any other rank. This applies to all new scouts no matter the age.  Every scout handbook begins by outlining these simple steps:

Learn the items below and say as well as tell what they mean.

  • The Cub Scout Promise

  • The Law of the Pack

  • The Cub Scout Motto

Show and tell the items below as well as what they mean.

  • The Cub Scout Sign

  • The Cube Scout Handshake

  • The Cub Scout Salute

Show that you understand and believe that it is important to be honest and trustworthy.

Lion  (Kindergarten)

A Cub Scouting program for kindergarten-age youth as an introduction to Cub Scouts.  Lions meet once a month for about an hour.  They can also participate in any pack activity although it is not required.  

Tiger (1st grade)


The Tiger program is for youth who have completed Kindergarten (or are 7 years old). The Tiger Cub, working with his or her adult partner completes five achieveents (consisting of 15 separate activities) to earn his Tiger rank by the end of the school year.  You and your Tiger scout are members of a den which usually consists of 6-10 youth of the same age and gender. Tiger scouts typically meet twice a month for a Den Meeting, and attend one “Go See It” – a monthly field trip.



Wolf (2nd grade)

Any youth who has completed the first grade (or is 8 years old) is eligible to begin work on the Wolf rank, which consists of 12 achievements to be completed throughout the year, both at home and at den meetings, which typically take place twice a month.  


If the Cub Scout has not previously earned the Bobcat Badge, it must be earned first.



Bear (3rd grade)

Any youth who has completed the second grade (or is 9 years old) is eligible to begin work on the Bear rank. To earn the Bear rank, the Scout must complete 12 achievements out of a possible 24 that are offered in the scout handbook. The achievements are grouped into four major themes, GOD, COUNTRY, FAMILY, and SELF. These achievements are completed both at home and during den meetings which typically take place twice a month.


If the Cub Scout has not previously earned the Bobcat Badge, it must be earned first.



Webelos (4th and 5th grades)


Webelos…We’ll Be Loyal Scouts!


The Webelos Scout program is a two-year transition program between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts.  Youth become a Webelos Scout upon graduation from the Bear program in the spring of third grade.  Youth that are new to Cub Scouting can become Webelos if they are 10 years old or have completed third grade, and have earned the Bobcat badge.


During these two years, the Webelos Scouts have two badges of rank they can earn and 20 activity badges. These two ranks are: Webelos badge and the Arrow of Light award. Usually the Webelos earn the Webelos badge during the first year, and the Arrow of Light during the second year.




Instead of working on achievements and electives (as with the younger ranks), a Webelos Scout works to complete a series of hobby and career Activity Badges.


The Activity Badges are grouped into the following themes:



Physical Skills Group:







Technology Skills Group:







Mental Skills Group:







Outdoor Skills Group:







Community Skills Group:



-Family Member





* Fitness and Citizen are required for the Webelos Badge

** Outdoorsman and Readyman are required for the Arrow of Light Award

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